Busy week ahead – trying Google Calendar

Google Calendar

Hey guys! Today I decided to become even more productive. Even though, comparing how much I worked a decade ago and how much I earned with what I have today – it’s huge difference. I work a lot less and make more money. I guess it’s true in the saying – less is more.

Anyway, as I am sick this week, I didn’t work a lot. Today I am feeling best, I decided to make a “to-do” list for tomorrow and the rest of the next week. It’s going to be a touch one.

So today I opened my Google Calendar and decided to add all the tasks I planned for tomorrow. It seems like it’s going to be one of the most productive days in my life as long as I stick to it. I will have to skip my running and cold showers next week so I can recover properly. I even had to miss a festival in Birmingham this weekend which is a shame. I really wanted to take solo jazz classes and catch up with really old friends …

Anyway, next week I will be having 1 hour longer sleeps. I am certain that I will recover properly and on Monday, 11th of November (11:11 and it’s Monday, gotta be something special) continue running and taking cold showers in the mornings.

So I am actually looking forward to using my new system with Google Calendars. I actually used it already. When I go travelling, I always put that time as “busy”. My Calendly is synchronised with Google Calendar, so it blocks out hours or days when I am busy, meaning, nobody can setup a Zoom/Team/Google Meet meeting during that time frame.

Why am I doing this? I just want to achieve more. Especially now that I will be testing some new make money online methods and documenting everything. I will be sharing everything. I will get back to you soon regarding this!

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