2 days in Brussels, Belgium


Hello, I just got home from Belgium. It’s 11:30 PM here on Sunday evening and it doesn’t feel that I had been in Belgium this weekend.

It is very strange. Every time I travel back home, no matter where from, I always feel that my trip was a distant memory. But it’s still great to add one more magnet souvenier to the already massive board of magnet souveniers …

Is it Brussels or London?

Anyway, Brussels reminded me of London … just smaller. Lots of people, most of them actually, speak English well. Of course, there is a person or another who doesn’t speak English but it’s OK – exactly like in London. Architecture was also very similar – buildings, shops, etc … Brussels even has their own version of London’s Eye called The View.

The View

Brussels panorama

And of course, whenever I travel somewhere where I have not been before, I always make sure to take a selfie or a photo of the highest (or not necessary) viewpoint to overview the panorama of the city (like I did in Sofia and Athens). Of course, this is not the highest viewpoint. I think the highest would have been from The View. I just didn’t have much time as I had very intense weekend, just like I mentioned in yesterday’s post. But of course, after The View, I had to find a place to eat and head to the airport which takes me to the next point …

The 3 airports dilemma

What I like about adventuring and travelling is the fact that I get all those crazy memories to share with my grandchildren one day … did you know that Brussels has 3 airports? I know, I almost got to the wrong one …

Please make sure that you take a look at the 3-letter airport code and make sure that your public transport (or whatever else you take to travel to airport) gets you to the right airport. I was there on the bus waiting for the bus to start the journey towards the airport. At that point I decided to check if there is only one airport in Brussels (call it intuition or guardian angel if you will). And of course! There are 3 of them (just like London, yeah? Although London has 4 or 5).

So I get out of the bus, ask the driver if I am right about being on the wrong bus … yep, the driver confirmed that I was going to get to wrong. You see, when I booked my flights, I booked with Ryanair onwards and Brussels Airline (for the first time ever!) on my way back. The flight was from Brussels airport (BRU not CLR). But the funny thing it, originally, I was supposed to be in airport at 6:55 PM but I happend to be at 6:30 because the Brussels Airport was much close than Charleroi airport.

Anyway, I did not take too many photos as I was not there for a long time. In on Saturday early morning, out on Sunday evening … anyway, that’s all from me, see you tomorrow!

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