How did I start in my career? | DailyBlog #5

How did I start in SEO career?

Hey, I know this is my only 5th post in a row. I am already stuck with the writers block. Today not much really happened. I am awaiting for my Brussels trip later this weekend. I never done a dance camp where I fly in early morning, attend workshops, have a business meeting, attend evening party, sleep, attend morning workshop and then fly home on Sunday evening. This will be the first time for me. Can’t wait.

Anyway, I was looking for some great blog posting ideas for daily blogging and found this resource. Of course, I will only refer back to this when I am stuck to what to write about. And, perhaps, I won’t do it in exact order as displayed on that website. Anyway, I today’s topic – how did I start in my career?

Early days …

We have to go back 18 years … back to September of 2006. I just moved to the UK, started college (English and Math). And, basically, I did not want to commute to work, go to office or work in factory or some warehouse. So I started looking what people were doing on the internet.

Over weeks, I decided to try buying PR3+ (back when PageRank was public and a thing) domain, built out a site with PLR content (because it was either free or ridiculously cheap). Flipped $15 into $400 by selling permanent links for $20 a pop. Then bought more domains with various PageRanks. Was doing quite well but quicky learned that this business model was not sustainable. Problem was with copy/paste content, not very well working, etc …

Like a king in college

However, over those few weeks I was still learning more and more about SEO and got some SEO and link building clients. At that time I head around 20 clients who each were paying $300+ / month. Not bad making $6k/mo for a college student … but of course, all things were outsourced, so my net profit was around $2k/mo. Still not bad, living at my parents, student, no rent or food costs. I was making more than most of my college buddies.

Then university started. I paid for it myself without government grants or anything like that. Bought my Mercedes in 2013, started swing dancing same year (I still own the same car and still dance 11 years later!).

So that’s how I started in my career which I still pursue. Although now I am also experimenting in PPC, social media (which I still hate), media buys, etc …


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Who is Don Mazonas?

I am entrepreneur, businessman, traveller, dancer, DJ, gamer, book reader, etc ... you can learn more about me here.
