Daily blog starts TODAY | DailyBlog #1

Daily blog #1

Hey all. For the last few months I have been quite passive about blogging. In the last couple of months I missed blogging about some travels and great things that could have turned into great pieces of content.

Gone days, gone …

How about 5 days in Mallorca? Well, techincally, 8 days but the last 3 days wouldn’t count as I was there for my sister’s wedding. So during the last 3 days I was preparing and executing the wedding party (by preparing I really mean moving from one villa to their villa; by executing I really mean drinking and partying …). Still, 5 days of great adventures I had with the family.

How about my trip to Norwich? I went to the Old Vicarage garden (or something like that) that hosted 5 different climate gardens within the same big-ass area. One of those climates was supposed to be Arizona ispired plantation .. but does it ever rain in Arizona? I don’t know but I really enjoyed it. Could have blogged and reviewed that. Also the swing dance festival that I attended. It was amazing.

Anyway, what is lost is lost and I will not go back and blog about those things. I will, however, start a new era for this blog and I will 100% commit to blog every day. Be it rainy, scorching hot, travelling, etc … I will find some things to share.

What are daily blogs going to be about?

So, what is this blog really about? You see, I have had this blog for over 8 years and it has changed massively. I have blogged about marketing, then deleted everything, blogged about personal life – deleted. Now I want to take care about it properly so I will blog about many different topics:

  • Travelling – I am obsessed with travelling so expect a lot of blog posts from me about the travelling and adventures
  • Dancing – it is another passion of mine
  • Business – maybe a business blog post every now and then
  • SEO – this is what I do for living (I run my own successful SEO agency)
  • Lifestyle – mindset, laptop living and many more things
  • My other passions – you will know them here once I discover what else I like (besides travelling and dancing)
  • Entertainment – I binge watch some TV shows on Netflic, Now TV, Amazon Prime and other streaming channels
  • Video game reviews – perhaps although I don’t have a lot of time for games now
  • Books – I also find time to read – usually 30 minutes in bed for better sleep

What is this blog NOT going to be about?

I know there are quite a few topics I will talk about on my Daily Blog. However, there are some things I will likely NOT talk about:

  • Politics
  • Wars
  • Racism
  • Hatred
  • Warez/Illegal shit

Why start blogging daily?

And lastly, here are 5 reasons why I started:

  1. Get better at writing – the more you write – the better you become
  2. Thinking over my day – since I will blog about it in the evening, right before I head to bed, I think it’s a great way to rememer the things I did throughout the day.
  3. Social media spam – yes, I plan on posting about these posts on all social media – Facebook page, Instagram, LinkedIN (maybe?), perhaps TikTok? I won’t start vlogging for now but I never say never.
  4. Keeping memories – remembing the great things that happen in my life and learn from the bad things/mistakes that happen to me.
  5. More organic traffic, more sales – this one is obvious since I am SEO specialist, I want to get as much traffic as possible to stroke my ego by having more eyeballs on my services and social media (the more followers, the better, no? xD)

So there you have it. Let’s mark this day (8 of August, 2024) as the first entry of upcoming 1000s posts over the next decade or two 😉

P.S. If you have any questions related to life, living, stoicism, law of assumption, business, SEO, etc … just drop me a line over email, Skype, FB, LinkedIn, X, TikTok, etc … and if I can help then I will write a blog post as a response/solution, etc …

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Who is Don Mazonas?

I am entrepreneur, businessman, traveller, dancer, DJ, gamer, book reader, etc ... you can learn more about me here.
