Concord review – worst game of 2024? | DailyBlog #19

Concord review

Hey, as you know, not only business but also some gaming content you can ready here. Back in a day I used to play a lot and I would hunt achievements on Xbox, then on Epic Game Store (yes, I have 92 platinums on EGS :O ).

Anyway, I wanted to talk more about this game in this Concord review. I bought it on Epic (of course). At first, I liked it, played for over 16 hours over the last few days. Then it became too repetitive. While there are 16 different characters called Freegunners (I guess it’s made up word from freelancers and because this game contains guns?).

Concord mechanics and gameplay

Game’s control is pretty simple – there are primary guns (some freegunners have 2nd weapon too), 2 abilities (unique to each character). Therre are also multiple planets with multiple maps. There are 6 modes – team deathmatch with respawn – you get point for each kill and your team (it’s 5×5) needs 30 points in total. Then there is trophy hunt – the same as team deathmatch but every time you kill someone, they may or may not drop trophy so you may not get point even if you kill.

THen there are 2 modes with capturing zones. One of them – capturing and maintaing 3 zones. Depending on how many zones you control – you gain X points per seconds. I believe it is until one of the team reaches 150 or 250 points. I didn’t play the other one.

There is also team deathmatch without respawn. I guess if you die, you gotta watch your buddies play. I didn’t play this one at all. There is another mode where you don’t respawn but I have no clue.

On Thursday, game was working fine and it was quick to matchmake. However, yesterday, on Sunday, some matchmaking would take 2 minutes so really annoying. It’s clear to say that this game is going down.

Why is Concord dying?

First of all, Concord is truly dying. Even on day one it reached less concurrent players than 2023’s worst game of the year did on its release day (LOTR Gollum). The comparison would be under 800 vs over 850. I think … so it’s officially the worst game of 2024.

Anyway, the game is also very woke. Even characters have pronounce. If you don’t know me – I only acknowledge 2 genders – male and female or man and woman. There is no other. So it was very weird to see such bullshit. Some characters allegedely prefer being called “they/them” … wtf? Even HIS Majesty King himself refers as HIS, not their majesty king … and who are you? Certainly not above HIS majesty king …

Anyway, Sonly will be shutting down servers for this game in a month or two … I am sure of it. Condord went woke, gone broke …

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Who is Don Mazonas?

I am entrepreneur, businessman, traveller, dancer, DJ, gamer, book reader, etc ... you can learn more about me here.
